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2024 Lesson Rates
Private Lesson (50 min): $60 per session. Package Deal: $540- 10 sessions.
Semi-Private Lesson (50 min): $40 per session. Package Deal: $360- 10 sessions.
Group Lesson (60 min): $30 per session / per rider (3 rider max, no packages).
Tune-up Ride: $40 per session (Basic foundation ground control and body control.)
Training Session: $60 per session (Advanced work and show preparations.)
Additional Fees Applied:
$10/Hour Lesson Horse Rental
$15 Flag Work
$20/Hour Trail Ride
$20 Trail Course & Obstacle Work
Cattle Rental TBD
2024 Lesson Policies:
Lesson times must be set at the beginning of the month. Students are scheduled on a weekly outstanding appointment.
Students must be present, warmed up and ready for their lesson at the start of their scheduled time. The lesson will only continue for the length of time scheduled.
If a student is more than 15 minutes late past their scheduled lesson time then the lesson will be considered forfeited and the student will be charged a $20 service fee.
All lessons and packages must be prepaid with a 12 week elapsed time. No refund for unused sessions.
When a horse has to be on rest or lay-up, lessons for the first two weeks on a lesson horse (if available) will be at no charge, maximum 2 lessons/week. If the lay-up continues after the two weeks lessons will be charged at the same rate as the lesson & rental fee; package rates.
Any cancellation must be made no later than 24 hours in advance. A $20 fee will be applied for cancellations made after the 24-hour period. If a cancellation is made before the 24-hour period the lesson may be rescheduled for the same week (if available) or the following week at no extra charge. If it’s decided to not reschedule, the prepaid fee will be rolled over to the following month.
Any riders that must be invoiced for their monthly lessons will pay a $10 billing fee. ***This is for any riders in which we have to bill for lessons*** Any invoices that go 30 days past due will be charged a $50 late fee. This will take effect 1/1/2024.
Miscellaneous Services
Show Clipping $20
Show Bath $40
Body Clipping $150
Use of program owned equipment or materials $10/day/item (includes use of blankets and tack)
Medicines and medicinal applications $5/1xday and $10/2xday
Standing farrier or vet call $35/hour
Commissions Purchase/Sale and Leases 10% of purchase price/lease fee ($750 min. charge) Visit the "Sale" page for more info.
Available for Download
Each rider must complete this form in the lesson, training, showing, and clinic program. This will help to identify each rider and legal guardians, emergency contacts, determine riders experience, schedule, and basic legal liabilities.
This hold harmless agreement must be filled out by all associated with any events or programs associated with Mary Rose Anderson and M.R.Anderson Horsemanship.
This contract is for consent or non-consent authorization for emergency medical treatment.
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